Current-Vortex Filament and Soliton-Like Waves in Weakly Ionized Plasmas
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We present results of magnetic fltrx-tube waves propagating along a current loop in a weaklyionized plasma, by means of a 3-D Neutral-IVIHD simulation code. After an inapulsive velocityperturbation, the magnetic wave takes a tttbe structure and behaves as an isolated and stablestring, to say a magnetic flux-ttzbe soliton. Its velocity is associated with the electric current ofthe loop and a vortex induced inside the tube. There exists an interval of the electric current,where the velocity of the soliton is nearly proportional to the ctrrrent. While on the strongercurrent region the velocity of the soliton is almost constant. The characteristics of the magneticflux-tube soliton observed in this sitaatrlation can be explained f'or a sinaple MHD tnodel, in whichwe give necessary treatraaents to reduce the equation of current-vortex filament to a frame ofintegrable systern.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-03-15
SAKAI Jun-ichi
Laboratory for Plasma Astrophysics and Fusion Science, Department of Electronics and Information, Fa
Sakai Jun-ichi
Laboratory For Plasma Astrophysics Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
Kawata Tsutomu
Laboratory For Information Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
Kawata Tsutomu
Department Of Information Processing Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
Laboratory for Plasma Astrophysics,Faculty of Engineering,Toyama University
Igarashi Jun
Laboratory For Plasma Astrophysics Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
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