Calculations of the Absorption Coefficient of a Weak Electromagnetic Wave by Free Carriers in Quantum Wells by the Kubo-Mori Method
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Analytic expressions for tlae absorption coefficient of a weak Blectronuagnetic Wave (BIVIW) byfree carriers for tlae case of electron-optical plaonon scatterirag in qttantttm welts are calculatedby the Ktrbo-lVIori rnethod in two cases: -The absence of' a taaagnetic field. -Tlue presence ofa naagnetic field applied perpendicular to its barriers. A dif['eretat dependence of the absorptionacoefficient on the teunperattrre T of systetta, tlae electrouaaagnetic xvave f'reqtrency w, the cyclotror'ufreqxzer'xcy Q (when a tnagnetic field is preserat), and chatracteristic pararaaeters of a qttantttrau wellin cornparison xvith norrnal serniconductors is obt?xiraed. The analytic exjcressions are ntrmericallyevaluated, plotted and discussed for a specific quanttmrau well AIAs/GaAs/AIAs.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-11-15
Bau Nguyen
Faculty Of Physics College Of Natural Sciences Vietnam National University
Faculty of Physics,College of Natural Sciences,Vietnam National University
Phong Tran
Faculty Of Physics College Of Natural Sciences Vietnam National University