Large-Scale Electronic-Structure Calculations Based on the Adaptive Finite-Element Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
The adaptive finite-element t?method proposed in otrr jcreviotts xvork [Phys. Rev. B 54 (1996)7602] is exteruded to f'trlly self-consistent calctrlatioras of realistic rtaaterials. Otrr naethod is highlyadajctive, sparse, joarallel, arad stmited f'or Line OWN) met,laods, thataks to tlae localized fiuaite-element basis ftunctions. Accurate ionic f'orces can also be calctrlated xvithin practical titaae usage.Applications to Blue strtrcturarl properties of' diauaaond, c-BN, auad tl?e C(,g uaaolectrle, and ttuolecttlardynaraaics withita OWN') scalitug are SIIONVII first, f'olloxved b,3x det?tiled error a?ua1yses. Then theOWN) zaaetluod based 011 the or1.cital fortnttl;ttion is realized xvitlaira 0111 approacla.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-11-15
Tsuchida E
Aist Ibaraki
Tsukada Masaru
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Tsukada Masaru
Department Of Nano-science And Nano-technology Advanced School Of Science And Engineering Waseda Uni
Department of Physics,Graduate School of Science,University of Tokyo
Tsukada Masaru
Department of Nano-Science and Nano-Engineering, Waseda University, 513 Waseda Tsurumaki-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0041, Japan
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- Numerical Method for Local Density of States and Current Density Decomposed into Eigenchannels in Multichannel System
- Combined OPW-TB Method for the Band Calculation of Layer-Type Crystals. II. : The Band Structure of Graphite
- Combined OPW-TB Method for the Band Calculation of Layer-Type Crystals. I. : General Formalism and Application to the π Band of Graphite
- Theory of Quantum Conductance of Atomic and Molecular Bridges
- Theoretical Analysis of Tip Effect on Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Image of Si(100) 2×1 : H Surface(Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films)
- Large Loop Current Induced Inside the Molecular Bridge
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- The Relation between Resonance Curves and Tip-Surface Interaction Potential in Noncontact Atomic-Force Microscopy
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- Large-Scale Electronic-Structure Calculations Based on the Adaptive Finite-Element Method
- On the Electronic Structure of the Polar Surface of Compound Crystals
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- Effect of Microscopic Nonconservative Process on Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
- A Tight-Binding Study of Chemical Interaction of Nanotube Tip with Si(001) Surface : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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- Simulation of Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy of Hydrogen- and Methyl-Terminated Si(001) Surfaces
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- Theory of Quantum Conductance of Atomic and Molecular Bridges