Extended Aharonov-Bohm Period Analysis of Strongly Correlated Electron Sysytems
- 論文の詳細を見る
The 'extended Aharonov-Bohna (AB) period' recently pn'oposed by [K. Ktrsakabe and H. Aoki:J. Phys, Soc. Jpn. 65 (1996) 2772] is extensively stttdied nttnuerically for finite size systems ofstrongly correlated electrons. XVhi[e the extended AB period is the systena length tiznes the fltzxquantuun for noninteracting systems, we have fotrnd the existence of the botrndary across whichthe period is halved or another botrndary into an even shorter period on the phase diagr?tzn f'orthese models. If we conapare this result xvith the phase diagram predicted frorn the TounonagaLttttinger theory, devised for low-energy physics, the halved period (or shorter periods) laas aone-to-one correspondence to the existence of the pairing (phase separation or naetal-insulatortransition) in these rnodels. We have also found for the t-J model tlaat the extended AB perioddoes not change across the integrable-nonintegrabJe botrndary despite the totally different levelstatistics.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-07-15
Aoki Hiroaki
Department Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Chubu University
AOKI Hideo
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Aoki Hideo
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Aoki H
Center For Low Temperature Science Tohoku University
Aoki H
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Aoki Hidekazu
Physics Department Tohoku University
Aoki Hidekazu
Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
Arita R
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo:crest Jst
Arita Ryotaro
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo:crest Jst
Kuroki K
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry The University Of Electro-communications
Kuroki Kazuhiko
Univ. Electro‐communications Tokyo
Kuroki Kazuhiko
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry The University Of Electro-communications
Aoki Hidekazu
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Aoki Hidekazu
Max-planck-institut Fur Chemische Physik Fester Stoffe
Kusakabe K
Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Kusakabe Koichi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Aoki Hideo
Department Of Neurosurgery Yamaguchi University School Of Medicine
Aoki Hideo
Department Of Biochemical Engineering Graduate School Of Science And Technology Yamagata University
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