Purity Dependence of the Anisortopy of Residual Electrical Resistivity in High-Purity Al Single Crystals
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Measurements have been made on the anisotropic dependence of the bulk residual resistivityp5 at 4.2K on the ctrrrent direction in Al single crystals with a {110} main surface. In specimens with RRR:10000, the anisotropy of p5 is relatively weak, but shows a fine strttcttrre thatcorresponds to the detailed structure of the Fernai surface of Al: p5 rises nearly in the directionin which the Fermi surface intersects the Brillouirx zone bovrndary. As the purity level of thespecirnens increases, the degree of anisotropy increases markedly and the behavior of its ownchanges. In specirnens with RRRt10000O, p5 increases rnonotonically in the order of the [1103,[111] and [0014 directions: the values along [001] and [1114 are abotrt 75 and 30% larger thanthat along [1104, respectively. In the [0014 direction, the second-zone Ferrni surface is nearest tothe zone boundary.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-05-15
橋本 英二
Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima
Ueda Yoshitake
Department Of Clinical Radiology Faculty Of Health Sciences Hiroshima International University
上田 善武
Univ. Tokyo Chiba
Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,HIROSHIMA University
Yamasaki Hitoshi
Department Of Informatics Kyushu University
Yamasaki Hitoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Hashimoto Eiji
Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center Hiroshima University
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