Relaxation Processes Yielding Nonlinear Excitations in the Extended Peierls-Hubbard Model for Photoexcited MX Chains
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The relaxations occurring after photoexcitation in the IVIX chains are investigated, using a one-dizmensional extended Peierls-Htrbbard tnodel. The special enuplaasis is placed on the processesin which the nonlinear excitations such as solitons and polarotas are created ina the backgrotrnd ofthe charge-density wave (CDW). The way of relaxations changes its natttre, depending mainlyon the relative strengths of the on-site and nearest-neighbor Cotrlounbic reptrlsions U and V,respectively, to the on-site electron-lattice interaction .5. When U or both U and V dominateover ,5, soliton-pair states are unstable cornpared with the self-trapped exciton (STE) in thelocalized liuaait of the model. Hoxvever, tlae neutral-soliton pair can be the lowest structtmralexcitation in interrnediate-transfer cases, stabilized by the efl'ect of itineracy. As for the adiabaticpotential strrfaces, the ttnif'ornn CDNV is connected to the neutral-soliton pair, while the STE tothe charged-soliton pair. It is expected that the STE xvill nnake a transition to the neutral-solitonpair nonadiabatically. XVhen S donuinates over U and V, on the other hand, the charged-solitonpair is the loxvest strtrcttrral excitation even in the localized limit. In those cases, the uniformCDW is connected to the charged-soliton pair, while the STE to the neutral-soliton pair onthe same potential surf'aces. Following these considerations, the calctrlation of the photoinducedabsorption is also performed asstttning that the fortner case is realistic. The obtained spectrunain the presence of a neutral soliton is cotnpared with the experiuaaental restult.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-04-15
Iwano Kaoru
Photon Faculty National Laboratory High Energy Physics Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Iwano Kaoru
Photon Factory National Laboratory For High Energy Physics Graduate University For Advanced Studies
- Relaxation Processes Yielding Nonlinear Excitations in the Extended Peierls-Hubbard Model for Photoexcited MX Chains
- Dynamics of Lopsided Energy Sharing between a Photoelectron and an Auger Electron in Solids