Dynamical Behaviors of Spin-Peierls Transition:1-D S=1/2 XY Anitferromagnets
- 論文の詳細を見る
The observation of spin-Peierls transition (at the temperature 'ISP Th 14 K) in the inorganiccornpound CuGeO3 has attracted considerable attention. We investigate characteristic dynanai-cat behaviors of the system accompanied by temperatvxre-dependent lattice displacements fromthe theoretical point of view. In the special case of 1-D XY anti['erromagnets with which thepresent paper mainly concerned, the fernaion representation ?t[[ows rigorous calculations, so thatintrinsic dynamical behaviors of spin-Peierls transition are elttcidated withotnt any approxirna-tion. The generalized susceptibility is calculated by means of the two-time Green fttnctions, Wefind interesting dynarnical properties that will be a cltte to the extensive study on the corre-sponding Heisenberg antiferromagnet.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-03-15
Kawasaki Kazuko
Depatment Of Physics Nara Women's University
NAKAMURA Katsuhiro
Depatment of Applied Physics,Faculty of Engineering,Osaka University
MAYA Natsuko
Depatment of Physics,Nara Women's University
Depatment of Physics,Nara Women's University
Maya Natsuko
Depatment Of Physics Nara Women's University
Nakamura Katsuhiro
Depatment Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Nakamura Katsuhiro
Depatment Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Kouzuki Atsuko
Depatment Of Physics Nara Women's University
- Ballistic Conductance Fluctuation and Quantum Chaos in Sinai Billiard
- Dynamical Behaviors of Spin-Peierls Transition:1-D S=1/2 XY Anitferromagnets