Itinerant Electron Weak Ferromagnetism in Y_2Ni_7 and YNi_3
- 論文の詳細を見る
Magnetism of Y.Ni. and YNi, is studied. Linear and parallel 71'-vs-f/A#p1ots andlarge Rhodes-Wohlfarth ratios are obtained, confirming itinerant electron weak fer-romagnetism. Analysis of magnetization data using the self-consistent renormaliza-tion theory of Takahashi show5 the validity of his theory and the importance of spinfluctuation in the present compounds.[Y.Ni,YNi, itinerant electron weak ferromagnetism, spin fluctuation, self-con- ]] sistent renormalization theoryl
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-03-15
Murayama Shigeyuki
Muroran Institute of Technology
Tazuke Yuichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Hokkaido University
Nakabayashi Ryou
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
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