Statistics and Geometry for the Collection of Fractal Fragments
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We propose a multifractal formalism to analyze a self-similar fractal pattern con-sisting of fractal fragments whicla may have distributed dimensions. To characterxzestatistical and geometrical structure of tlae entire pattern, the function f (7)) is ixa-troduced, w'hicla pla'ys a similar role to the singularity spectrum of multifractal pat-ferns. As the first application, we analyze a collection of contour lines generated bycutting a self-affine Brow'nian surface at an average level. Woe clarify w'ith an aid ofmodel consideration that tlae fractal dimextsion of ex'ery single line should be uniqueand f (D) consists of only' two points corresponding to each coxatour auad the entirepattern, respectively. On the other hand, the continauous f (D) is clearly found foreach cluster in a kind of cluster-cluster aggregation model applied as another exam-pie. The maximum of f (D) is associated w'ith the size distribution of the clusters.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-12-15
Department of Physics, Chuo University
HONDA Katsuya
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Shinshu University
Honda Katsuya
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Matsushita Mitsugu
Department Of Physics Chuo University
TANGI Hidekazu
Department of Applied Physics,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
Tangi Hidekazu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Matsushita Mitsugu
Department Of Physics
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