Measurement of the Lateral Velocity of a Particle Sedimenting in a Viscous Fluid betseen Two Concentric Cylinders
- 論文の詳細を見る
An experimental study has been naade on the lateral vc:locity of a spherical rigidparticle sedimenting between two vertical concentric cylinders. The ratios of the parti-cle radius to the distance between two cylinders are in tlae range of 0.01-0.04 and theparticle Reynolds numbers are in the range of 0.06-0.36. It is found t}aat the particlemoves to an equilibrium position due tc>effects of both the inner and outer cylinders.Even when a line, forming a radius of 0.01 times the radius of the outer cylinder, wasplaced at the axis of the cylinder, thc+ lateral equilibrium position was at a distancefrom the axis of about 0.3 times the outer cylinder radius. The experimentally defer-mined lateral velocity is found to be in good agreement with the theory.
- 1992-11-15
論文 | ランダム
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