High-Resolution Studies of Secondary Emission Spectrum from Resonantly Excited I_2 Molecules
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The spectrum of secondarily emitted light from iodine vapor excited by a single-mode Ar" ion laser has becn measured in the forward scattering geometry with aresolution of 80 MHz. The observed spectrum has been found to consist of sharp andbroad components. This result is shown to be reproduced fairly well by a MonteCarlo simulation of the molecular collision. The cross sections for the soft and hardvelocity-changing collisions of an I. molecule in the excited state have been obtained'2as 230 A and 80 A', respectively.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1989-04-15
Kimura Masaki
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Ehime University
Department of Oncology, Immunology and Surgery, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sc
Kinoshita Shuichi
Department Of Electrical Engineering National Defense Academy
Kinoshita S
Osaka Univ. Osaka
Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kushida T
Nara Inst. Sci. And Technol. Nara Jpn
Kushida Takashi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Overlaet Willem
Toshiba Corporation
Kimura Masahiro
Department Of Health And Nutrition Osaka Shoin Women's University
Kimura Masahiro
Department Of Electrical Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Kimura Masahiro
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kinoshita Shuichi
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
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