Thermal Expansion in Itinerant Electron Magnetic Ni_3Al System
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Thermal expansion in the itinerant electron magnetic Ni.Al system has beenmeasured at temperatures 4.2 K< T<60 K. In the ferromagnetic samples (74.6,75.0 and 75.2at%Ni) in this system, a linear thermal expansion coefficient ctshows a jump at the respective T., and the behavior of cx in the temperature re-gion near the respective T. is well explained by the self-consistent renormalization(SCR) theory of spin fluctuations by Moriya and Usami. In the paramagneticsample (74.0 at %Ni) the behavior of ct is also explained by this theory very well.Moreover the inverse magnetic susceptibility, z-" in the paramagnet shows the7""-dependence in the region of high temperatures T>13 K and the 7"-depend-ence below about 13 K. In the ferromagnets '7, ' shows the I"'-dependenceabove the respective T.. These facts agree with the prediction by the SCR theoryof spin fluctuations.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1985-02-15
Department of Hygiene, Hirosaki University School of Medicine
MASUDA Yoshika
Department of Physics,Nagoya University
Masuda Yoshika
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Masuda Yoshika
Department Of Liberal Arts Aichi Gakuin University
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