Localization Induced Strong Spin Fluctuations and Superconductivity
- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of spin fluctuations induced by the Anderson localization in interactingelectron systems are investigated on the superconductnvtty. The result indicates theexistence of strons der>airinx mechanism rrorortional to temrerature, whoseprefactor diverges at certain value of randomness resttlting in the completedestruction of superconductivity.
- 一般社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1985-07-15
- Orbital Magnetism in Two-Dimensional Mesoscopic Ring Systems (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Electrical Conductance under Periodic Magnetic Field
- Superconducting Transition Temperature of Dirty Thin Wires in Weakly Localized Regime
- Localization and Superconductivity
- Effects of Strong Spin Fluctuations on the Superconducting Transition Temperature in Weakly Localized Regime
- Impurity Effects on Quantum Depinning of Commensurate Charge Density Waves : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Kondo Effect in Disordered Two-Dimendional Systems
- Superconductivity near Charge Transfer Instability in CuO_2 Structure
- Magnetoresistance of n-InSb in Weakly Localized Regime
- Magnetoresistance of Two-Dimensional Anderson Localized System in Self-Consistent Treatment
- Critical Temperature of Superconductivity Caused by Strong Correlation
- Fermi Surface and Spin Fluctuations in Extended t-J Model
- Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model at Low Electron Density
- Perturbation Theory and Singularities in Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model at Low Electron Density
- Anyons in Extended t-J Model
- Anyons in Commensurate Flux Phase
- Anyons in Extended t-J Model
- Mean Field Theory of RVB and Superconductivity
- Mean Field Theory of Superconductivity in Strong Correlation
- Localization and Interaction in One-Dimensional Electron Systems
- 25. Localization-Delocalization Transition by Interactions in One Dimensional Fermion Systems(Theories,III. One Dimensional Systems)
- Effects of Localized Spins in Quasi-Two Dimensional Organic Conductors : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Spin-Peierls State vs Neel State I. Small Ising Anisotropy
- Spin-Peierls State vs Antiferromagnetic State in Quasi-One-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet.IV.Transition Temperatures
- Orbital Magnetism of Two-Dimensional Electrons in Confining Potentials
- On the Triplet Superconductivity in Nearly Ferromagnetic Dirty Metallic Films : The Effect of Weak Localization
- Proximity Induced Meissner Effect in Dirty Normal Metals
- Kondo Effect on Josephson Critical Current in SNS Proximity System
- Ground State of the Asymmetric Anderson Model in the T-Matrix Approximation
- A Simple Model for Superconductor-Semiconductor Transition
- Effects of Magnetic Fields on Inelastic Scattering Time in Two-Dimensional Weak Localization
- A Note on Field Dependences of Anomalous Magnetoresistance in Two-Dimensional Weakly Localized Regime
- Local Singlet State in Effective Hamiltonian for a CuO_2 Layer: Case of a Single Cu Spin and a Hole
- Effective Hamiltonian for CuO_2 Layer
- On the Role of Apical Oxygens in High-T_c Cu-Oxides
- Antiferromagnetism of the t-J Model in the Slave Boson Mean Field Approximation
- Spin-Peierls State vs N'eel State II.Interchain Exchange Interaction
- Spin-Peierls State vs Antiferromagnetic State in Quasi-One-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Spin Density Waves
- Magnetic Properties of t-J Model
- Localization-Delocalization Transition by Interactions in One-Dimensional Fermion Systems
- Physics of Molecular Conductors
- Kondo-like Effect of Atomic Motion on Resistivity in Pb_Ge_xTe
- Anderson Localization and Proximity Effect
- Fermi Surface Instability of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Tight Binding Electrons : A Possible Phase Diagram of (La_M_x)_2CuO_4
- Spin-Peierls Transition with Competing Interactions : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Spin Density Waves
- The Phase Diagram of High T_c Cuprates: Mean Field Theory of t-J model : IV-B Superconductivity : IV Mechanisms of Superconductivity; Theory
- Higher Order Interaction Effects in Weakly Localized Regime:Case of Repulsive Force
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance by Dephasing in a Disordered Layer with Ferromagnetic Boundary : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Mean-Field Theory of Mixed-Valence Conductors (R_1, R_2-DCNQI)_2 Cu
- Anderson Localization in One-Dimensional Interacting Electron Systems
- Anisotropic Superconductivity in the Kondo Lattice
- Effect of Gauge Fields on Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Rate and Spin Susceptibility
- t-Matrix Approximation to Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
- Kondo Effect and Magnetoresistance in Weakly Localized Regime
- Higher Order Effects of Interactions in Two-Dimensional Weakly Localized Regime
- NMR Relaxation Time of the Anisotropic Superconducting State in Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems
- NMR Relaxation Rate of the Anisotropic Superconducting State in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Systems
- Theory of NMR in Superconducting Multilayers
- Spin Fluctuations and Magnetoresistance in Dirty Metals
- Weak Itinerant Ferromagnetism in Weakly Localized Regime
- Localization Induced Strong Spin Fluctuations and Superconductivity