TDPAC of γ-Rays Emitted from ^<111>Cd(←^111In) in Fe_3O_4
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The supertransferred hyperfine magnetic field, H...., at "'Cd(="'In) on thetetrahedral site of Fe,0. was measured by means of the time differential perturbedangular correlation (TDPAC) between 85 and 300 K. Each TDPAC spectrum has awell-defined hyperfine frequency component above the Verwey temperature,T.(= 120 K), whereas remarkably distributed one below this temperature. The valueof H3... at low temperatures is -F- 121 k0e in average, which shows the covalence inCd"-0' bonds is considerably smaller than that in In"-O' bonds in spinel typeoxides. The apparent distribution of the hyperfine frequencies below T. is qualitative-ly explained by a distribution of H.... at "'Cd due to fluctuation of the relativepopulations of Fe" and Fe" ions in the neighboring octahedral sites, or a smallamount of electric field gradient acting on "'Cd in addition to H.....
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1985-11-15
Okada Takuya
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Asai Kichizo
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Asai Kichizo
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Sekizawa Hisashi
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Sekizawa Hisashi
The Institute Of Physic And Chemical Research
Okada Takuya
The Institute For Physical And Chemical Research
Okada Takuya
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
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