Frequency Dependence of the Exponents in Anomalous X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Metals-Contribution of Linked Graphs of the Fourth Order of the Hole Potential
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Theoretical study of Doniach and Sunji<S (DS) on [K-ray photoemission spectra(XPS) is extended beyond the behaviour precisely at threshold. A perturbatic>nalcalculation where the static hole potential is present only after photoemission isperformed to the fourth-order term based on Mizuno and Ishikawa's model.The anomalous exponent ox in DS theory is found to laave a correction term wltichis linear in coy -co. Here, Ict>is the energy of an e?nitted electron and Ictcp thethreshold energy. This correction term is appreciably large at finite distances fromthreshold. Exponents experimentally obtained away from threshold are differentby nature from those given by DS theory.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1980-04-15
Ishikawa Koji
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University:(present Address) Department Of Physics U
Ohmura Yoshihiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ishikawa Koji
Department Of Biological Functions And Engineering Graduate School Of Life Science And Systems Engin
Ishikawa Koji
Department Of Physics Yokohama City University
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