The Current Density in the Electrohydrodynamic Instability in a Nematic Liquid Crystal
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effective current density is measured in the electrohydrodynamic instability of aliquid crystal as functions of voltages with various fi"equencies. It is found that a non-dimensionalized current density corresponds to the Nusselt number in the case of anisotropic fluid. The current density shows anomalies; at five transition points betweenconduction region and turbulent flow region.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1977-08-15
Kai Shoichi
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University
Hirakawa Kazuyoshi
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University
Hirakawa Kazuyoshi
Department Of Electromics Kyusyu University
Kai Shoichi
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University:(present Address)department Of Electrical Engineering Ky
Kai Shoichi
Departemnt Of Applied Physics Kyushu University
KAI Tsuyoshi
Department of Electronics,Kyushu University
Kai Shoichi
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University:(present Address)department Of Electrical Engineering Ky
Hirakawa Kazuyoshi
Department Of Elctronics Engineering Kyushu University
Kai Tsuyoshi
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University
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