The Elastic and Inelastic Scatterings of ^3He from ^<12>C at 24.0, 29.2, 34.7 and 39.6 MeV
- 論文の詳細を見る
The measurements were made at angles of the center of mass extending from 14° to 128° or 172°. The yield of inelastic scattering at most angles was of the same order in the elastic scattering. A Thomas type spin-orbit coupling of the optical potential is useful for the elastic scattering at backward angles. Discrete and continuous ambiguities in the optical model parameters appeared in the analysis. The experimental values of inelastic scattering were predicted fairly well by the DWBA theory, and the deformation parameters β_2 were about 0.5. In the coupled channel analysis, the predicted values of elastic scattering were much different from the results of optical model analyses by coupling to the inelastic channel, and the potential whose imaginary part was shallower than that given by the optical model analysis gave better fit. The value of β must be -0.5 for 39.6 and 34.7 MeV.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1973-01-05
Matsuda Kyoko
Department Of Material Physics Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Matsuda Kazuyuki
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science Himeji Institute Of Technology
Matsuda Kazuyuki
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Fujisawa Takashi
Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Yoshida Fusako
Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
MATSUDA Kazuhisa
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Yamaji Shuhei
Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
MASUI Kuniaki
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
MOTONAGA Shoshichi
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
RI Beam Science Laboratory, RIKEN
Matsuda Kazuhisa
Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Sakaguchi Harutaka
Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research:(present Address) Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Matsuda Kazuhisa
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
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