Measurements of Ratio of Abnomal to Normal Absorption Coefficients for Electrons in Crystal from Pseudo-Kikuchi Patterns
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The intensity profiles of pseudo-Kikuchi bands in the scanning electron microscope are obtained theoretically as a function of W using the two beam dynamical theory of electron diffraction; where W is a deviation parameter from the exact Bragg condition. According to the theory, the ratio of the abnormal to normal absorption coefficients Δμ_g/μ_0 can be determined from two different parameters of the experiment; a ratio R of the maximum to minimum intensities or W values at the positions of the maximum and minimum intensities near the Kikuchi band edge in the intensity profiles across the band. The comparison between the theory and experiment is examined for the (220) pseudo-Kikuchi bands in Si. The values Δμ_g/μ_0 obtained from R and W values are 0.10±0.03 and 0.20±0.05, respectively. The value obtained from W's in this experiment agrees approximately with one quoted by Meyer-Ehmsen. However the value obtained from R is smaller than those of others. This fact is caused by the effect of inelastically scattered electrons. Moreover, the temperature dependence of Δμ_g/μ_0 measured from W's becomes almost constant in the range of the room temperature up to 600℃.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1972-12-05
OHTSUKI Yoshi-Hiko
Department of Physics, Waseda University
Ichinokawa Takeo
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
EGAMI Masayuki
Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University
Ohtsuki Yoshi-hiko
Department Of Physics Waseda University
Egami Masayuki
Department Of Applied Physics Waseda University
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