NMR Study of Nearly Itinerant Ferromagnetic LuCo_2
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The Knight shift and the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate, 1/ T., of "Co in LuCo.have been measured. l / T.T due to the d-electron spins was found to be proportionalto the d-spin susceptibility in good agreement with the SCR theory. From the quantitative analysis, the characteristic temperature, T., implying the energy width of thedynaical spin-fluctuation spectrum is estimated for LuCo. together with those for thetypical nearly ferromagnetic metals. The value T. may be related to the degree of theferromagnetic tendency as welll as the temp'erature of 7 maximum in the nearlyitinerant ferromagnet.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1987-10-15
Yoshimura Kazuyoshi
Department Of Applied Science Tokyo Electrical Engineering College
Mekata M
Fukui Univ. Fukui
Mekata Mamoru
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Fukui University
Mekata Mamoru
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kyoto University:
Fukamichi Kazuaki
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals
Yasuoka Hiroshi
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
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