Dynamic Control of a Cusped Plasma near the Ion Cyclotron Frequency
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An rf electric field near the ion cyclotron frequency is applied perpendicularly to the magnetic field of cusp regions in order to plug up cusp ends and to heat ions. A helium plasma is steadily fed from one of point cusps into the containment region whose density is varied from 1×10^<8> to 1×10^<11>cm^<-3>. For the line cusp loss good plugging is satisfied up to 1×10^<11>cm^<-3>, but for the point cusp loss it is not obtained for the density above 1×10^<10>cm^<-3>. Under the resonance condition the ion energies consist of two components both of which display Maxwellian-like distribution of T_i of about 40eV and 150∼200eV respectively when E_rf=100V/cm.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1971-07-05
Institute of Research and Development, Tokai University
Takayama Kazuo
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Institute of Plasma Physics,Nagoya University
Watari Tetsuo
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Watanabe Tsuguhiro
Institute For Fusion Theory Hiroshima University
SATO Teruyuki
Institute of Plasma Physics,Nagoya University
HIROE Shinji
Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Watanabe Tsuguhiro
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Hiroe Shinji
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Miyake Shoji
Welding Research Institute Of Osaka University
Sato Teruyuki
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Husimi Kodi
Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- Spectroscopic Measurements of Ion Temperature in Sheet Plasma and String Plasma
- ストリング・プラズマ、シート・プラズマのイオン温度測定
- ストリング・プラズマの分光測定
- シートプラズマを用いたプラズマのインピーダンス測定
- シートプラズマのイオンサイクロトロン共鳴法を用いた同位体分離
- Measurement of the Density of OH Free Radicals in Magnetized Sheet Plasma Crossed with Vertical Gas Flow
- LIF法によるプラズマ中の酸素ラジカルの測定
- Radiation Loss and Impurity Abundance during ICRF Heating in the JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Characteristics of the Detectors for Bolometric Measurement in Application to High Temperature Plasma
- Effect of In Situ Carbon Coating on ICRF-Heated Tokamak Plasmas Relating to Radiation Loss by Iron-Impurities in JIPP T-IIU
- Observation of Mode-Converted Ion Bernstein Wave by an HCN Laser Scattering
- Observation of Mode-Converted Ion Bernstein Wave by an HCN Laser Scattering
- 変形カスプコイルの磁場強度分布
- 無電磁力・高βコイルの磁場強度の計算
- エンドプレートバイアスに対する磁化ストリング・プラズマの径方向輸送 : 径方向電場の増大
- Scaling Studies on RF Plugging Potential in the Cusp-Anchored Mirror Device,RFC-XX-M
- Potential Formation in the Plasma Confinement Region of a Radio-Frequency Plugged Linear Device
- Potential Formation in the Plasma Confinement Region of a Radio-Frequency Plugged Linear Device
- Design of a Wien Filter Type Heavy Ion Beam Probe System for the Measurement of Plasma Potential
- Measurements of Atomic Hydrogen-Density Profiles in the RFC-XX-M Machine Using Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy at the H_α Transition
- Radio-Frequency Heating Using the Electrostatics Cyclotron Wave
- The Effect of Space Potential on Radio-Frequency Plugging of Particles in an Open-Ended Magnetic Trap
- Dynamic Control of a Cusped Plasma near the Ion Cyclotron Frequency
- Plasma Waves Excited by Modulated Line Sources below the Electron Cyclotron Frequency
- Eigenmode Analysis of the Electromagnetic Wave in the Nonuniform Vlasov Plasma. II. : Quantization Condition
- Eigenmode Analysis of the Electromagnetic Wave in the Nonuniform Vlasov Plasma. I. : Integral Equation in the Wavenumber Space
- New Treatment of Eigenmode Analysis for an Inhomogeneous Vlasov Plasma
- Property of Electrostatic Ion-Cyclotron Waves and Ion Acoustic Waves in a Magnetic Field
- Flux Balance of Dynamically Controlled Cusp Plasma
- Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional Vlasov Equilibrium as a Nonlinear Boundary Value Problen
- Numerical System for Electromagnetic Dispersion Relation in Anisotropic Plasmas
- Electromagnetic Cyclotron Harmonic Waves
- New Numerical Method for Solving Eigenvalue Problems Described by Coupled Second-Order Differential Equations
- Numerical Analysis of Current-Driven Drift-Wave Instability in a Finite-β Plasma
- The Effect of Ambipolar Field for the Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Sheet Plasmas
- Characteristic Oscillations in Sheet Plasmas
- Effects of an Ambipolar Field on Stability of Electrostatic Drift Waves in Sheet Plasmas
- Numerical Method for Nonlinear Wave Propagation and Application to Laser-Plasma Interaction
- Numerical Study of RF-Plugging of Plasma Particles in a Line-Cusp Magnetic Field
- プラズマ中のイオン音波測定システムの開発
- Production of Sheet Plasma
- Numerical Analysis on Linear Resonant Absorption in Plasmas
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- シートプラズマによる同位体分離
- シートプラズマ周辺での負イオン計測
- シートプラズマ中のOHラジカルの密度測定
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- 磁化シートプラズマのイオン温度測定
- シートプラズマを用いたダイバータ模擬実験 : プラズマ終端部における傾斜ターゲットのプラズマパラメータに及ぼす影響
- シートプラズマ中のOHラジカルの回転-振動温度測定
- リチウムの同位体分離の為のプラズマ源
- Electron Waves below the Electron Plasma Frequency without Boundary Effects
- New Type of Ray Trajectory of Thermal Mode in an Inhomogeneous Magnetoplasma
- Characteristic Oscillations in a Cylindrical Plasma with the Ion Larmor Radius
- Experimental and Theoretical Trapped Resonance Cone Fields with a Field-Leakage in an Inhomogeneous Magnetoplasma
- Hole Equilibria in a Quasi-Cold Plasma
- Instability of a Plasma drifting across a Magnetic Field
- Numerical Study of Drift Wave Instability due to Non-Uniform Density Gradient in a Sheared Magnetic Field
- Nonlinear Behaviors of Waves in a Plasma in the Vicinity of Marginally Stable State
- A Nonlinear Theory of Two-Stream Instability
- Nonlinear Effects in Collective Absorption
- Nonlinear Behaviors of Ion-Wave
- A Numerical Method for Eigenvalue Problems of Integral Equations
- Ion Cyclotron Instability Driven by a Cross-Field Current
- Possibility of Potential Generation by Lower Hybrid Wave
- Propagation Characteristics in a Magnetized Plasma-Waveguide near the Ion Cyclotron Frequency
- Drift Waves in Sheet Plasmas
- Interaction between High Frequency Oscillations and Low Frequency Oscillations in Beam-Plasma System
- Resonances of Radio Frequency Probe in a Plasma
- Probe Noise in Quiescent Plasmas
- Resonant Absorption of Low Frequency Electrostatic Wave Energy in a Plasma Contained in an Axially Nonuniform Magnetic Field
- Experimental Investigation of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Acceleration in a Nonuniform Magnetic Field
- Resonances of Radio Frequency Probe in a Plasma
- Productiorn of RF Plasma Using a Magnetic Line-Cusp Field
- 人工衛星「GEOTAIL」による地球磁気圏尾部の磁気リコネクションの解析
- Excitation of Obliquely Propagating Cyclotron Harmonic Waves
- Fine Structures in Electron Plasma Oscillations
- Higher Harmonics and Sub-Harmonics of Electron Plasma Oscillations
- Electron Plasma Oscillations in a Coaxial Discharge
- Criterion for Absolute Instability of a Wave in a Nonuniform Medium
- Hollow Discharge Type Ion Source with a Slabformed Ion Beam
- Flute Mode Instability Driven by an E×B Drift Shear of a Nonuniform Radial Electric Field
- 磁化シートプラズマとガスとの接触現象の解明
- Excitation of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves in Plasmas
- イオンサイクロトロン共鳴法を用いたリチウムの同位体分離
- Amplification of Radio-Waves in Partially Ionized Gases
- Anomalous Bremsstrahlung in Partially Ionized Plasmas
- Interactions between Ion Waves and a High-Frequency Electric Field
- Anomalous Radio-Frequency Emission at Electron Cyclotron Frequency in Partially Ionized Plasmas
- LIF法によるホロー陰極放電内のフリーラジカル測定
- シートプラズマーガス直交系によるOHラジカルの生成と速度分布関数の測定
- Anomalous Bremsstrahlung and Anomalous Cyclotron Emission from Partially Ionized Gases
- Excitation of Bernstein Mode in an Inhomogeneous Collisionless Plasma
- Experimental Study on the Deposition Profile of the ICRF Power and Electron Thermal Diffusivity
- 円筒形コイル、立方形コイル 及び波形コイルの磁場強度
- Measurement of the Density of OH Free Radicals in Magnetized Sheet Plasma Crossed with Vertical Gas Flow