Numerical Study of a Model for NENP : One-Dimensional S=1 Antiferromagnet in a Staggered Field
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In order to explain some mysteries in ESR experiments on NENP, we study the S=1 antiferromagnetic chain with a transverse staggered magnetic field. The staggered field is caused by the crystal structure of NENP and makes the ESR absorption possible from the ground state to the lowest excited state with k=π. In addition it removes the phase transition, which was predicted for the Heisenberg model without the staggered field. Numerical diagonalization study on this model qualitatively agrees with the NMR, ESR and heat capacity measurements. In particular, it explains well the field dependence of the energy gap, the intensity of ESR and the staggered moment. It is also found that the standard theory of ESR is valid above the "critical field" corresponding to a minimum of the energy gap, if the sublattice moments are suitably reinterpreted.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1994-03-15
Shiba Hiroyuki
Department Of Computer Science Gunma University Faculty Of Engineering
Sakai Toru
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science Himeji Institute Of Technology
Sakai Toru
Department Of Material Science Himeji Institute Of Technology
Department of Electronics, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology
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