Monte Carlo Study of the Separation of Energy Scales in Quantum Spin 1/2 Chains with Bond Disorder
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Or'ne-diraaension?rl Heisenberg spin 1 /2 cltains with rartadorau ['erro- and antiferrouaaagnetic bondsare realized itu systeuns strch as SraCtrPt? .Ir.0(3. XX7e have investigated ntruaaerically the thermo-dynarnic properties of a generic randona bond rnodel ?tnd of a realistic zaaodel of Sr3CtrPtj ,.Ir.O(5by the qtranttrm IVIonte Carlo 1001) ?tlgorithtta. For tlte first tiraae NVC deuaaonstrate the separationinto three different terauperature regiuaaes f'or the origitaal Hanailtoniara based on ata exact treat-ment, especiarlly xve slaoxv that tlae interuaaediate teznperattrre regitne is well-defined and observablein botla tlae specific laeat and the tnagnetic susceptibility. The crossover betxveen the regimes isindicated by peaks in the specific heat. The trnif'ortn taaagnetic strsceptibility slaoxvs Ctrrie-like be-luavior in the laigh-, interraaediate- and loxv-teuaaperature regitaae, with different valttes of tlae Curieconstant in eacla regiune. We shoxv that these regizaaes are overlapping irt the realistic rnodel andgive ntrtaaerical data f'or tlae ataalysis of' experitaaental tests.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-03-15
Sigrist Manfred
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University
Ammon Beat
Scsc And Theoretische Physik Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule
Sigrist Manfred
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Phyasics Kyoto University
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