Multiplet Splitting Effects on Core-Level Photoemission and Inverse-Photoemission Spectra of Uranium Intermetallic Compounds
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The present paper disctrsses the role of U 5f-5f exchange interaction (,7) in the inverse pho-toenuission spectrturn (IPES) and the U 4f x-ray photoernission spectrum (XPS) of turanitrnaintermetallic compotrnds. The origin of the broad main peak in the IPF,S of UPd3 and UPdzAl3,for instance, is ascribed to the exchange cottpling effects of 5 f electrons. In other wor'ds, whetherthe ground state is of high-spin or of low-spin is directly reflected in the width of the IPBS. On theother hand, the interpretation for the U 4 f photoernission spectrtmzn is not so greatly infltrencedby J. The full-mttltiplet calctrlations are also perfortmed for an U" ion for cornparison.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-03-15
Okada Kozo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kinki University
Okada Kozo
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Okayama University
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