On the V-centers in Alkali Iodide Crystals
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The properties of V-center were investigated in the alkali iodide crystals (KI and Nal) containing excess iodine, In KI, the absorption spectrum was similar to that obtained by Mollwo, but for details, there were some difference. It was pointed out that the V-band in KI can be understood as superposition of three bell-shaped bands I, II, and III. Of these, both band I and II can be safely assigned to V_2-band. As for band III, however, explanation is not possible at present though it seems to have fairly close relation to the other two bands. Some proposals were made in regard to the mechanism of the coloring with the pointed electrode and the explanation of the doublet structure of V_2-band in KI.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1954-12-25
Nakai Yoshio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Uchida Yoichi
Department Of Physics Faci4ty Of Science Kyoto University
Uchida Yoichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Scicncc Kyoto University
Nakai Yoshio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Scicncc Kyoto University
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