Existence of Static Pinning of Dislocations in Gamma-Rayed NaCl
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1966-11-05
Suita Tokuo
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Osaka University
Suita Tokuo
Department Of Atomic Energy Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Okada Touichi
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Osaka University
Shibata Koji
Department Of Computer Science Kitami Institute Of Technology
Shibata Koji
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Osaka University
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- Effects of Nitrogen in 9Cr-3W-3Co Ferritic Heat Resistant Steels Containing Boron
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- Suppression of Surface Hot Shortness due to Cu in Recycled Steels
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- Effect of Boron on Copper Induced Surface Hot Shortness of 0.1% Carbon Steel
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- Thermal Bleaching of F-Centers of Gamma-Irradiated KCl at Low Temperatures
- A High Current and Good Emittance Ion Source
- Flowing Mercury Afterglow Excited by D. C. Discharge
- Depopulation of Excited Mercury Atoms by Collisions with Hydrogen Molecules in the Flowing Mercury Afterglow
- Coherent Domains in Some Parameter Spaces Inherent in a Beam-Plasma Regime
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- Stopping Cross-Sections of Metallic Films for Projectile of Low Energy Proton
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- Stabilization of Flute Instability by High Frequency Field
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- Thermoluminescence of Gamma-Irradiated KCl
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- Distribution Coefficients of Various Impurities in Alkali Halides
- Evidence for the Interaction of Mn^ with the Radiation-Induced Defect in NaCl
- Study of the Enhancement of X-Ray Coloration of NaCl by Divalent Impurities
- Effect of Divalent Impurities on the Coloration of NaCl
- Excitation of Ion Cyclotron Harmonic Waves in a Plasma by a Perpendicularly Injected Electron Beam
- Excitation and Stabilization of Microinstabilities by R.F. Electric Field
- Effects of an R.F. Electric Field on Microinstability
- Intensity Relaxation of Certain Hg Lines in Preionized Mercury Vapor Flow
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- Excitation of Longitudinal Waves near Ion Cyclotron Harmonics
- Photoconduction and Darkening of AgCl Crystals at Low Temperatures
- Optical Bleaching of Gamma-Irradiated KCl at Room Temperature
- Dielectric Breakdown and Pulse Conduction of Silver Halide Crystals
- Suppression of Precessional Drift Wave by External Inhomogeneous High Frequency Field
- Injection-Trapping of High Energy Molecular Ions into the Mirror Field with the RF Electric Field (II)
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- Fast Performance Evaluation Method of LDPC Codes
- Photoconduction of Silver Chloride Crystals
- Neutron Irradiation Effects on Superconducting Nb-Ti Wires for Fusion Reactor
- Existence of Static Pinning of Dislocations in Gamma-Rayed NaCl
- Organic Field-Effect Transistor Materials Based on Cycloalkane-Capped Tetrathiapentalene Derivatives
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- Utilizing RF Electric Field for Injection-Trapping High Energy Molecular Ions in Mirror Field, (I)
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- The Effect of Cylindrical Holes in a Moderator on the Passage of Virgin Neutrons from a Point Source
- Preliminary Calculation for Experiments Using Osaka University HITS, (I):Time-Dependent Thermal Neutron Angular Flux from a Pulsed Exponential Assembly Calculated in P3-Approximation of the Transport Equation
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