体育における学習意欲検査(AMPET)の標準化に関する研究 : 達成動機づけ論的アプローチ
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The Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test (AMPET) has been developed by Nishida (1987) as a measure for assessing achievement motivation for learning in physical education. This study attempted to standardize the AMPET by using a large sample. The AMPET has seven 8-item subscales consisted of "learning strategy," "overcoming obstacle,""diligence and seriousness," "competence of motor ability," "value of learning," "anxiety about stress-causing situations," and "failure anxiety," respectively. It also contains an eight-item lie scale. The subjects were 10,055 elementary, junior high, and senior high school students. They were asked to respond to all items of the AMPET along 5-point Likert-type rating scales. The external criteria or variables for testing validity of the AMPET were as follows: a motor ability test, scores in physical education class, teacher's ratings of behavioral characteristics of pupils, the Motive of Academic Achievement Test, interest in physical activities, enjoyment in physical education class, self-evaluation of motor ability, frequencies of physical activity, physical activity time, participation to athletic club, and athletic levels. Split-half and test-retest reliability estimates of the AMPET were sufficiently high. On the basis of means and standard deviations of the AMPET, evaluative norms were established as 5-point ratings. All of the results concerning many external criteria were successful in validating the AMPET. It was concluded that the newly developed test, the AMPET, was reliable, valid, standardized and useful.
- 1989-06-01
- 体育における学習意欲検査(AMPET)の標準化に関する研究 : 達成動機づけ論的アプローチ
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