筋の持久力に関する研究(IV) : 骨格筋線維の種類とその分布
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The skeletal musculature in mammals has hitherto been thought to be composed of both white and red fibers. Recently attention has, however, been directed to the presence of intermediary form of the two types ob the fibers as mentioned above. As to the characteristics and the function of such medium fibers, further study seems to be imperative. The author made an extensive study on the form, bulk and intramuscular distribution of white and red fibers in the anterior tibial muscle of the rats (Waster), as viewed in the cross section. a) Form : Red, fibers appeared more slender and rounded as compared with the white ones. b) Bulk : The fibers near the center of the muscle are slender, which become more voluminous, the nearer they located to the body surface. c) Distribution : Red fibers were to be found more in number and in space in the center of the muscle and adjacent to the corresponding skeletal bone, while white fibers were more frequently found around the surface opposite to the bone. The results written above seem to be essential in case of studying the relationship between morphological aspect of a muscle and its function, as well as in the experimental research of electromyograms.
- 日本体力医学会の論文
- 1966-03-01
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