- 論文の詳細を見る
Electrocardiographic studies were made on 676 excellent well-trained atheletes. The values of voltage and interval of each deflection were compared with normal value for the Japanese reported by Ueda et al. and were analysed statistically. The results obtained were as follows : 1) R-R intervals were longer in atheletes than in untrained controls. Sinus bradycardia was markedly observed in atheletes in their twenties. 2) P-Q interval showed no difference between the atheletes and controls in a younger than twenty years group while that was more increased in the former than the latter in an order than 20 years group. Abnormal P-Q prolongation i. e. over 0.2 sec. was more frequent in excellent atheletes than non-excellent atheletes in a younger than 20 years group. 3) QTc (corrected QT, measured QT/√<R-R>) proved considerably large in atheletes especially those of a 15-19 year old group. 4) There was observed a trend of delay of the ventricular activation time (V. A. T.) in the right precordial lead, but no delay in the left precordial lead. 5) The duration of P-deflection showed a trend of enlargement in an older than 20 years group unlike in a younger group. The duration of P-deflection increased generally as age advanced. The same trend was also observed for P/PQ segment (Macruz' index). These findings might suggest the present of left atrial enlargement, but they revealed neither left axis deviation in frontal plane nor mitral configuration of the P wave. They constituted a difficult problem explain. 6) R-deflection in the left precordial lead generally showed high voltage and especially in a younger group. In many of the atheletes studied SV_1+REV_5 and REV_5 corresponded to Sokolow & Lyon' criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy (SV_1+REV_5>__=35mm, REV_5>__=26mm), but those atheletes were without left axis deviation in frontal plane. In many of the atheletes were without left axis deviation in frontal plane. In many of the athletes R-deflection in the right precordial lead showed high voltage with a considerably correspondence to Sokolow & Lyon's criteria for right ventricular hypertrophy (R/S V_1>1. 0, REV_1>__=7mm), and these atheletes revealed delayed V. A. T. in the right precordial lead. The physiological right bundle branch block (Reindell) was also commonly observed, thus there was suggested the presence of right ventricular hypertrophy or overloading, but no right axis deviation was encountered. It was assumed that a hard training might effect the right ventricle if not produced a pathological ventricular hypertrophy. 7) Atheletes in their twenties and thirties showed high voltage in T-deflection especially in V_5, but they revealed almost the same T/R ratio as controls. 8) Abnormal ECG findings wree higher in an excellent group than a non-excellent group or an under-trained group.
- 日本体力医学会の論文
- 1965-09-01
- 170) 運動選手と独楽音について(第24回 日本循環器学会総会)
- 24.ゴルフ競技前後の心電図・血圧について
- 運動選手のコンデイション調整期に於ける身体諸機能について
- 265.運動選手のベクトル心電図に関する検討 : 特にFrank法について
- 264.運動選手安静時心電図のP-R間隔に就いて
- 152.体重調節がボクシング選手の身体並びに運動機能に及ぼす影響について
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- 青壮年ラグビー選手の試合前後の循環器検診
- "歩るけ歩るけ運動"の医学的考察
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- 各年令層に於る運動選手の心電図について
- 慢性肺疾患の脳循環に関する研究 : 第14回日本循環器学会近畿地方学会総会
- 36.老人の筋力に関する二,三の考察
- 4."学童の長距離ランニングの循環系に及ぼす影響"
- 31.発育期のスポーツ心 : 女予高校の運動選手と一般生徒の心電図並びに胸部レ線像の比較
- 28.水泳中の心電図学的検討
- 44. 低圧環境下に於ける体液成分及び心電図の変化に関する研究
- 高血圧症に対するヂウレックスの効果 : 第10回日本循環器学会近畿地方学会総会
- 32.縦走登山の体液成分の変動並びに心電図の変化について
- 30.過去に相当の運動歴を有する壮年以後の男子についての安静時並びに負荷心電図と心計測について
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- 運動選手のベクトル心電図に関する検討(続報) : 特にT環について
- 176) 高校長距離選手の循環器集團檢診成績特に競走前後の觀察(第23回日本循環器學會總會)
- 36. 負担心電図に関する研究(第1報) : 運動およびアドレナリン負担心電図
- 34. 発育期のスポーツ心に就て : 第二報 スポーツと心電図に就て
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