体育学習における能力的不適応経験時のコーピングと心理的ストレス反応の関係 : 中学生の場合
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A study was conducted to investigate how students cope with their inabillty to fulfill assignments in physical education classes and what their responses are to the resulting stress. I distributed questionnaires to 1,163 male and female junior high school students, inquiring about their affective component against exercises and sports, their psychological stress level, their pattern of coping with inability, and trends in their psychological stress responses during physical education classes. The data obtained were analyzed using path analysis to clarify the dependence of the psychological factors. The following results were obtained: 1) Students who showed high levels of stress due to their own inabi1ity tended to avoid facing up to problems by resigning or cutting corners. When they took avoidance measures, they showed stronger psychological stress responses. Furthermore, their calm attitude and behavior was closely related to their psychological stress responses. On the other hand, students who tries to face their problems with a positive attitude however high their stress level, showed a diminished psychological stress response. 2) Students who did not like physical education or exercise tended to take measures of avoidance and showed strong psychological stress responses. On the other hand, among the students who liked physical education or exercise, some did not show psychological stress responses because of their positive attitude. However, there were also others who did show marked psychological stress responses because of their calm attitude and behavior.
- 1999-09-10
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