G.S.ホールの『青年期』におけるmotor education論 : 体育思想史的考察を主とした
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"Adolescence" (1904) by Granville Stanley Hall, makes us notice, when we read it from the historical viewpoint of physical education thoughts, the following four points. (1) The concept of motor education in his paper sets the ends of motor education at "Physical Perfection," i.e., character building derived from the viewpoint of "more evolved evolutional monism" and it involves as its methods ( i ) industrial education (ii) manual training (iii)gymnastics (iv) play, sports, game comprehended from the angle of recapitulation theory.(2) Therefore, Hall' s theory of motor education (Physical Education) is erroneously understood by J.F. Williams when he simply interprets Hall's theory as "physical education for mental"(3) Hall's theory of motor education as seen from the viewpoint of the recapitu1ation theory seems to have influence upon H.L. Gulick (for example in "Philosophy of Play") T.D. Wood (for example in "Health and Education" and "New Physical Education") etc. in the transitiona1period of American physical education. (4) Hall's concept of motor education is neither the same as "physical culture" of Amherst College where human beings are regarded as the reflex of God nor the concept of "physical education" of Williams who takes psycho1ogy and physiology into consideration but regards human beings as cultural and social products. Hall's motor education reveals manifestly the natural scientific standpoint of American physical education circle where Darwin's shock was still affecting.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1983-09-01
- G.S.ホールの『青年期』におけるmotor education論 : 体育思想史的考察を主とした
- 110 G.Sホールの体育思想 (3) : 特に「産業教育」「手工教育」について
- 113 G.S.ホールの体育思想(2) : 特にダンス・パントマイム論について
- 109 G.S.ホールの体育思想 : いわゆる新体育の考え方との関連における
- 108 ハートウェルの体育思想 : 特に「教育における体育の機能と役割」について
- 『アマースト大学の体育』における体育論の体育思想史的考察 : Phycical Cultureの概念を中心として
- 1009 『アマースト大学の体育』における体育論の考察 : Physical Cultureの概念を中心に(1.体育史,I.一般研究)