幼児の動作メカニズムとその発達 : 指示のしかたによる跳躍動作の変容について
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It may be assumed that the development of motor movement is urged not only by the growth of effectors but also by the development of the central nervous mechanisms which regulate the movement. The purpose of this study was to examine how the functions of effectors and regulatory mechanisms are related to each other in incitation of the development of motor movement. To clarify this problem an experiment was designed employing standing broad jump. First, the subject was instructed to jump as far as possible (jump A), then he was asked to jump over a designated line (jump B). Total of 57 nursery school children from two to five years of age, five female college students and two intercollegiate athletes took part in this experiment. The results were summarized as follows: 1) The children aged two years showed very small distance of jump in both jump A and jump B. Their movement patterns were very much immature. The effectors' function of two-year-old children was limited to a considerably low level. Their regulatory function was not yet formulated sufficiently. The verbal instruction often produced impelling effects over the movement of these children. 2) The distance of jump performed by the three-year-old children was somewhat improved over the level of two-year-old children. The distance covered by jump A was considerably shorter than that registered by jump B. Accordingly, the movement patterns of jump A was considerably more immature than those of jump B. Although both the effectors' function and regulatory function developed in accordance with the advance in age, the regulatory function elicited by the verbal instruction alone was not quite sufficient at this age. 3) With the advance in age, the distance of jump improved both in jump A and jump B at the ages four and five years. Their movement patterns also matured to a considerable extent. Although the difference in the distances between jump A and jump B became smaller, the distance of jump B was still longer than that of jump A. The regulatory function of the children at this age level can be improved by giving a tangible line to aim. 4) Among the female college student, the distance of jump B was somewhat longer than that of jump A. However, the distances of jump A and jump B were quite comparable in the jumping performances of the athletes.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1979-12-01
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