『アマースト大学の体育』における体育論の体育思想史的考察 : Phycical Cultureの概念を中心として
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"Physical culture in Amherst College," prepared by Nathan Allen at the request of the trustees of Amherst College, which first established the department of physical culture in the United States, makes us notice, when we read it from the viewpoint of physical education thoughts, the following three points: (1)Amherst College has these as its aims of physical culture, (a)"to facilitate, in the highest degree, mental culture" and (b)"to prevent disease." The college seems to have thought that physical culture should aim at "a good health of the whole body" for "a higher order of efficient study and intellectual life." This idea seems to have been influenced by a evangelical view of the body. (2)The concept of physical culture in this report is used as the purpose of physical culture is "to a good health of the whole body," and it has as its methods, (a)teaching to the students Hygiene including some general knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology and (b)making them have a gymnastics. (3)Amherst College has "Elocution" under the category of physical culture. These three points would give a new significance to the history of thoughts on physical education, because they have never been mentioned.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1979-03-01
- G.S.ホールの『青年期』におけるmotor education論 : 体育思想史的考察を主とした
- 110 G.Sホールの体育思想 (3) : 特に「産業教育」「手工教育」について
- 113 G.S.ホールの体育思想(2) : 特にダンス・パントマイム論について
- 109 G.S.ホールの体育思想 : いわゆる新体育の考え方との関連における
- 108 ハートウェルの体育思想 : 特に「教育における体育の機能と役割」について
- 『アマースト大学の体育』における体育論の体育思想史的考察 : Phycical Cultureの概念を中心として
- 1009 『アマースト大学の体育』における体育論の考察 : Physical Cultureの概念を中心に(1.体育史,I.一般研究)