スポーツ集団の空間構成に関する社会学的考察 : 「コートの中」「コートの外」概念に着目して
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The present author have developed an analytical model of sport space as an ideal type which consists of two symbolic terms "inside of the court" and "outside of the court". Inside of the court is such space as a game or practice where the members of a group are in high tension mood, while outside of the court is located between inside of the court and real society, and the members are filled with the mood of relaxation there. The purpose of this paper is to find out the configurations of sport space the members of a sport group perceive and to determine the relations between their perceptions of sport space and their personal and behavioral attributes such as the grade of school, sex, sport ability, motivation for sport group activities etc.. 4000 sport group members were sampled from universities, senior high schools and junior high schools in Hiroshima Prefecture, and 3010 answers were obtained. Main findings are as follows: 1) The proportions of subjects who wish severity inside the court and relax outside the court and the subjects who feel severity inside the court and relax outside the court increase as the grade of school advances from junior high school to university. 2) 76.8% of the subjects wish severity inside the court and relaxation outside the court. In reality, however, 41.7% of the subjects feel relaxation both inside and outside the court, and 38.5% of them feel severity inside the court and relaxation outside the court. 3) 40.9% out of 76.8% of the subjects who wish severity inside the court and relaxation outside the court perceive their reality as such (type A). 4) The subjects of type A tend to feel their sport activities more enjoyable, to be motivated more strongly for continuing their group activities, and to estimate their groups more liberated than the subjects who belong to the other types (type B: Subjects who wish severity or relaxation both inside and outside the court and perceive their reality as such. type C: Subjects who wish severity inside the court and relaxation outside the court but in reality they feel relaxation both inside and outside the court. type D: Subjects who perceive other types of space composition). 5) It was suggested that sport groups which possess both of two contrasting spaces i.e. severe inside of the court and relaxed outside of the court tend to show higher levels in terms of group performance and group maintenance.
- 1984-06-01
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