- 論文の詳細を見る
A study was conducted to develop a scale for stressors experienced frequently by university athletes in daily and competitive life, and to examine the relationship between evaluation of the stressors and metnal health(stress response). In Study I, after selecting 66 items which university athletes identified as stressors in daily and competitive life, factor analysis showed that the main stressors were as follows:F1)human relationships in daily and competitive life, F2)competitive record, F3)expectation and pressure from others, F4)internal and social change in each individual, F5)content of club activity, and F6)economic condition and academic record. As a result, a daily and competitive stressor scale for university athletes, comprising 35 items, was developed. Psychometric analyses showed that the daily and competitive stressor scale for unviersity athletes had high reliability and validity. The results of ANOVA(independent variables:status in club, sex;dependent variables:6 subscales of the stressor scale)revealed that there were significant main effects and interactions in some subscales. In Study II, multiple regression analyses showed that a certain specific stressor tended to be strongly connected with a certain specific stress response. Furthermore, cluster anayses indicated that the evaluation pattern of stressors in university athletes could be classified into five main types:CL1)high score group on each factor, CL2)high score group on F2 and F4, CL3)high score group on F5 and F6, CL4)high score group on F3, and CL5)low score group on each factor. The results of MANOVA(independent variables:5 clusters;dependent variables:7 subscales of stress response scale)revealed that the expression pattern of stress response in university athletes also differed according to the stressor evaluation pattern. Finally, future research needs and implications for daily and competitive stressors and health-related problems in university athletes are discussed.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1998-11-10
岡 浩一朗
竹中 晃二
松尾 直子
堤 俊彦
岡 浩一朗
早稲田大学 スポーツ科学学術院
堤 俊彦
竹中 晃二
岡 浩一朗
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