- 論文の詳細を見る
Chase and Simon (1973) reported that a master class chess player's recall performance of the positions of briefly presented chess pieces was better than that of lesser skilled players. The studies in sport situations that adopted the Chase and Simon's paradigm also demonstrated the same results. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ages and skill levels on the recognition of a soccor in later childhood using the modified Chase and Simon's paradigm. Subjects were 524 boys varied both in soccor skill levels (non-player, irregular-, regular- and selected-) and school years (ranged from fifth graders of elementary schools to second-year students of junior high schools). Immediately after the presentation of 1O-minute videotaped soccor game, their recognition accuracy of the game relevant memories and peripheral memories were tested. As has been found for adult subjects, higher skill level players were superior in the performance of relevant memories to lower skill level players and nonplayers. On the other hand, the interaction between skill levels and school years was statistically significant in the peripheral memories. As school years increased, the performance of the highest skill level players significantly declined,whereas no significant change was found in the performance of the lower skill level players and of nonplayers. These results were discussed in terms of the development of encoding strategy for the information from the display. It was inferred that the highest skill level players encoded game information more elaborately than players of other skill level in an early developmental stage.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1994-03-01
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