遊びとカオス・コスモス : 鎮魂における無意識のメカニズム
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In ancient times of Japan, people created various ceremonies in order to operate the holy i.e. supernatural mystic power which brought them the feeling of awe, and play acted an important of the ceremony to manage the holy. By indicating the similarities between play and religion or how play element were located in holy world, Huizinaga tries to suggest that play takes its seat at the central part of holy world. In ancient times of Japan, Mana, or spirit was the holy power of governing the order of universal revolution which is absolutely beyond human control. One of the methods which operated holy power and attached it to things was the incantation of Tamafuri which means play. Universal order was believed to be renewed by attaching spirit to things. Everything in universe has circular rhythm of life and death just as plants repeat their growth and withering with the circulation of four seasons. Life means here cosmos the condition where universal order throbs, while death. means chaos where universal order has aged or stopped. Play successfully functioned to develop the rhythm of life-death-life, namely, cosmos-chaos-cosmos of the circulation of universe by operating spirit. Tamafuri renewed life and regenerated cosmos by expressing the rhythm of universal circulation, cosmos in a broad sense, symbolically. The rhythm of universal circulation settles in the sphere of unconsciousness of human beings as Archetypus, and the rhythm as Archetypus can be felt only through the symbol which appears from Archetypus by withdrawing psychological energy libido to the sphere of unconsciousness. The unconscious rhythm was felt by playing Tamafuri and the rhythm diffused and affected all things in universe. By playing Tamafuri, people in those days felt the attachment of Mana which was the projection of unconsciousness as well as rhythm, and considered that the renewal of life or the regeneration of cosmos was realized.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1989-03-01
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