身体の構造化 : 身体運動への現象学的アプローチ
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The present paper discusses, from a phenomenological viewpoint. how a movement learner structurizes his own human body, i.e., the body in phenomenological implications through his movement. The points of issue were as follows: 1. What is the structure of the body in the phenomenological context? 2. What does a learner structurize as his own human body? 3. How does a learner structurize it as his own human body? After the discussion, following results were obtained. 1. The human body exists as a function of learner's own body, so that it maintains a specific structure which is distinguished from the mere physical body. 2. A learner maintains bodily space and time according to his own capability of moving. He uses them as a framework of articulating and identifying his own percepts and structurizes these percepts centering on a specific movement. This means structurizing the human body. 3. Movement learning is a process of restructurizing one's own human body that is able to move and moving now, because a movement learner structurizes his movement constantly by revising his percepts that have already been identified. It means that the process of structurizing the human body has certain order. 4. A movement learner should know what he structurizes and how he structurizes his percepts as his own human body. Without knowing these, he can not learn his own human body effectively.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1988-03-01
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