減量に伴う四肢・体幹別にみた身体組成の変化 : 中年肥満女性の骨量に着目して
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It is well known that total body mass (BM) is positively associated with bone mineral content (BMC). However, the extent to which BM, fat mass (FM), and lean mass (LM) are related to BMC remains unclear. Considering that chronic loading of a bone is perhaps the most important factor affecting bone mass, evaluation of the relationship between these variables should consider the load placed on segments of the body. Therefore, this study examined the changes in regional body composition (i.e., total body, arms, legs, and trunk) during diet-induced reduction of BM. Seventy obese women (age 48.5 ± 7.8 yr) were randomly assigned to two groups: diet (D, n = 42) and control (C, n = 28). Subjects in group D participated in one dietary counseling session per week and their energy in-take was restricted to 1070 ± 240 kcal/d. BM, FM, LM, and BMC of each segment decreased significantly (P<0.05) except for BMC_<ARMS>. Positive correlations (P<0.05) between percentage change (%change) in BMC and %changes in BM, FM, and LM were observed for every segment except FM_<TRUNK>, LM_<LEGS>, and total LM. Comparing the correlations of %changes in BM, FM, and LM to %change in BMC, %change in BM had the highest association with %change in BMC in each segment (r = 0.39 to 0.65). However, in the arms, the correlation between %change in BM_<CARMS> and %change in LM_<ARMS> (r = 0.65) was equivalent to the correlation between %change in total BMC and %change in total BM (r = 0.61). These results suggest that BM is the greatest contributor in the loaded segment (i.e., trunk and legs), and LM is also an important contributor in the unloaded segment (i.e., arms).
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 2003-01-10
中田 由夫
田中 喜代次
中塘 二三生
金 憲経
中塘 二三生
中塘 二三生
中塘 二三生
中塘 二三生
大阪府立大学 総合リハビリテーション学部
重松 良祐
金 憲経
流通経済大学 スポーツ健康科学部
金 憲経
国立療養所中部病院長寿医療研究センター 自立支援システム開発室
金 憲経
筑波大学 体育科研究
重松 良祐
天貝 均
Shigematsu Ryosuke
三重大学 教育学部
中塘 二三生
中田 由夫
筑波大学大学院 人間総合科学研究科
田中 喜代次
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