競技者の困難克服の道筋に関する社会学的考察 : 主体的社会化論を手がかりに
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A study was conducted to identify the most important factors involved in the process by which athletes overcome troubles while taking into account the limitations of the subjective socialization theory as a methodology. This study was undertaken by first examining the methodology, which consisted of the subjective socialization theory based on the context of lifelong socialization or resocialization. As a result, Erikson's theory of ego identity was confirmed to be a useful methodological framework. Secondly, we examined the way that athletes tend to overcome troubles based on the above framework by the "life history approach". The materials used were a biography written about Ruy Ramos (a famous former professional soccer star) as well as his own autobiography. These materials were selected because they demonstrate how he overcame some difficult problems. His example was also considered useful for understanding the limitations of the subjective socialization theory. The main findings of this study were as follows. 1) Not only "subjecthood" (autonomy) but also feelings (spirit or heart) and emotional support from others are the most important factors determining whether athletes can overcome their problems. In addition, Ramos' example suggested that an athlete's ego identity plays an important role in overcoming troubles. 2) The theory of ego identity, namely, the subjective socialization theory is useful for understanding the subjective process of athletes overcoming troubles and their resocialization. Unfortunately, this methodological framework cannot be utilized to understand feelings because it is based on a rational "modem subject". Such a study therefore also requires researchers to apply the above framework in a flexible manner.
- 2001-05-10
- 競技者の転身による困難克服の道筋に関する社会学的考察 : 元アメリカ杯挑戦艇クルーを事例として
- 競技者の困難克服の道筋に関する社会学的考察 : 主体的社会化論を手がかりに
- スポーツ社会学における社会化論への一視角 : 主体性をめぐって