欧米における「国家と宗教」 : 信教自由・政教分離の考察
- 論文の詳細を見る
Church and State are closely related in Europe and America. In this paper I have considered the relationship from the following two points of view:1. An historical and taxonomical approach;2. An historical consideration of how the concept of religious freedom was formed and developed over the past 400 years in Europe and America.The United States of America is notably different from European countries in that not only religious freedom but also the separation of Church and State are both widely accepted. I consider the reasons for this, and mention several disputes concerning the separation of Church and State in America.I believe this kind of study will be of great help in discussing the issue of religious freedom and separation of religion and state in Japan.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1989-12-30
聖学院大学 | 論文
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