- 論文の詳細を見る
Shinto, dating back to the ancient times of Japan, is classified as natural religion. It is a religion native to Japan, never accepted outside Japan. The Meiji government made Shinto the state religion, establishing the hierarchy of all of the Shinto shrines. Ise Jingu (Ise Grand Shrine) occupied the highest position."State Shinto" was created by the government in order to raise the emperor's religious authority. It linked Imperial Shinto to shrine Shinto with the emperor as the highest priest. The Meiji Constitution premised the emperor's deification and absoluteness, so freedom of religion was severely restricted by "State Shinto" and the emperor's authority.Under this political system, Christians suffered greatly; they walked a thorny path until the defeat in the war in 1945. It is to be regretted that Japan under the Meiji Constitution was unsympathetic toward Christianity, which I think retarded the democratization and modernization of Japan.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1990-12-20
聖学院大学 | 論文
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