II 教育社会学研究の回顧と展望 回顧と展望 (<特集>教育社会学のパラダイム展開)
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This paper consists of three sections. The first section is a short history-from one individual's perspective-of the expansion and flourishing of Educatuonal Sociology from the Second World War to the present. In section number two, we illustrate that when a table of contents of a 1947 textbook in this field is set against an inventory of documents in the same field for 1990, the subject of study has for the most part remained unchanged. In the third section, we illustrate that two prospects exist for the future questions-or coming problems-of this science. The first is that while the sociological method is the foundation, we must learn how to use many various methods of the other social sciences : there should be a diversification in the methodology we use to approach the object of study. The second is that in today's education this field is inevitably aimed of providing solutions-it is forced to become a policy science. At that point the realities of making policy and the conclusions of science collide.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1992-08-07