- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose: This study aims to clear up some relationships among motivational instructions under 3 situations (reassurance, failure, repeated failure), respiration and electrical skin conductance on memory of verbal materials. Method: These memory materials are 14 syllables passages of 0 and 3 order of approximation to Japanese, and each 15 are arranged alternately. All Materials are presented 2 syllables per second by tape recorder and the recall is required after 30 seconds. The experiment has 3 sessions of 10 passages and 3 minutes' rest is inserted between them. In the 1st session a standard in struction is given to all the groups, and in the 2nd session one group is given reassurance instruction and another 2 groups are given failure instruction. In the 3rd session one of the latter 2 groups, given failure iestruction in the 2nd session, is again given failure instruction, and another 2 groups are given neutral instruction. During the experiment respiration and electrical skin conductance of the Ss are measured. Results: (1) In the 2nd session differences of recall scores among the 3 groups was not found, but in the 3rd session the repeated failure group is inferior to another, (2) By the material of 0 order of approximation to Japanese the recall scores of the repeated failure group is inferior to another in the 3rd session, but by the 3rd order of approximation to Japanese there is no significant difference among the 3 groups. (3) About percent changes of resistance (GSR) the reassurance group is Iower than the failure group in the 2nd session. In the 3rd session the group, given neutral instruction after failure instruction, is lower than another 2 groups. (4) In the case of 0 order of approximation to Japanese percent changes of resistance (GSR) is restrained to go down in repeated failure group, but in the case of the 3rd order of approximation to Japanese there is no significant difference among the 3 groups. (5) Absolute level of conductance goes higher in the 1st sossion than before experiment, but after the 1st session it goes neither higher nor lower. (6) Respiration is increased in the experimental situation comparing with before experiment. But there is no significant difference among the various motivational instructions.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1972-03-31