- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this report is 1) to make clear the weak points of Japanese in hearing ahd writing English sentences, and 2) to show a teaching method of English, proposed by O. Saheki to overcome these weak points. Subjects (Table 1) : first, second and third year pupils of Junior High School A, in Kyoto City, of the average intelligence level of pupils, taught throughout the current academic year by a single member of the staffs of the same school ; first year pupils of Junior High School B, also of average intelligence, taught by O. Saheki for one year ; first, second and third year Saheki English School pupils ; and freshmen of College D and E. Procedures : 1. Aural Recognition of English Sentences. The subjects were asked to listen to and write English sentences (Table 2), except junior high school first year pupils who were asked to translate them simultaneously and write them down in Japanese (Table 3). 2. Translating Japanese into English. The subjects were asked to listen to Japanese sentences and translate simultaneously and write them down in English (Table 4). The number of the subjects who answered correctly were compared between group by x^2-test (Table 2, 3, 4). Correlations between scores in pronunciation, aural recognition of phonemes, aural recognition of sentences, translation, and intelligence were calculated (Table 5). Results : Most of the subjects, except those taught by O. Saheki, could not respond entirely correctly either in recognizing English sentences or in translating Japanese into English, but only words familiar to them. College students showed responses which were a little better than those of junior high school pupils. Most of the Saheki School pupils had established a fairly organized English language system by the end of the third year of junior high school. The first year pupils of School B showed almost similar results to those of Saheki School's. College E students showed some progress by the end of the course of lessons by O. Saheki. As the result of correlational analysis of scores, pronunciation an aural recognition had rather negligible relation with intelligence. Translation had more significant relation with it, especially with the verbal factor. As for the College E subjects, before lessons by O. Saheki, pronunciation and aural recognition had no relation with translation, but by the end of the lessons, these had been organized. The follwing teaching process of English was proposed by O. Saheki. At first, an introduction is given in the difference between Japanese and English sentence structure to pupils using some fundamental English patterns, explained in Japanese. Then, he let pupils practice hearing and pronouncing these sentences. The more organized the subjects' English system becomes, the more English patterns are introduced. The greater part of every lesson is devoted to practice of the following, involving reuse of every pattern which has been taught since the first lesson ; 1) they listen to English sentences, pronounced at normal conversation speed, and translate them into Japanese orally, and 2) they listen to Japanese sentences and translate them into English as rapidly as possible and pronounce them. They were asked to read English sentences in the textbook loudly and to translate Japanese into English and write them down at home. Thus he tried to develop the pupils' hearing-, speaking-, reading-, and writing-English into a well-organized system. In these courses he tried to arouse interest in learning English by stimulating curiosity to the new world, English.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1968-09-30
- 3 学習心理 : c 教科学習(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 音声の記号化ならびに体制化過程に関する研究(16) : 音声発達テスト作成の試み(9) : 2.発達1
- 音声の記号化ならびに体制化に関する研究 (4) : 音声テスト作成の試み (1)
- PG14 幼稚園年少児が語る「家族」 2 : 2度の実施
- PG13 幼稚園年少児が語る「家族」 1 : 「赤ちゃん」を迎えること
- PB05 親からみた「子どもと似ているところ」 : 幼稚園年少児について
- PA07 時間経過による親の育児意識 2 : 1996年と1997年
- PA06 時間経過による親の育児意識 1 : 1996年と1997年
- 子どもの発達の時期と両親の育児意識 2
- 子どもの発達の時期と両親の育児意識 1
- 乳幼児期に関する発達心理学的研究の最近の動向と今後の課題(発達(乳・幼児期))
- 乳児健診にみられる発達診断について : III:「乳幼児発達診断・相談をめぐる心理学と医学との対話」
- 発達11
- 「発達における関係の分析」
- 言語発達遅滞 : その特質と問題点
- 『幼児期における言語と思考との相互連関に関する発達的研究』『幼児期における言語機能の形成とそれの知的機能の発達に及ぼす影響』
- 日本語・英語の比較研究に基づく英語教育法に関する研究:II
- 日本語・英語の比較研究に基づく英語教育法に関する研究
- 5-4 教科・指導(日本教育心理学会第7回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 543 英語教育法の心理学的研究(IV)
- 542 英語教育法の心理学的研究(III)
- III. 乳幼児発達診断・相談をめぐる心理学と医学の対話(研究委員会企画シンポジウム)
- 発達における関係の分析(研究委員会企画特別報告シンポジウム)
- 言語発達遅滞(シンポジウムI,シンポジウム)
- 425 英語教育法の心理学的研究(VI)(4.教授法)
- 323 英語教育法の心理学的研究(V)(c.教科学習,3.学習心理)
- Personalityの客観的診断の研究
- 日本語,英語の比較研究ならびに英語教育への応用(3) : 日本教育心理学会第2回総会報告 : 研究発表要旨および討論の概要 : 教科の心理I