児童の社会的地位と性格的特質に関する一研究 : 不安傾向を中心として
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The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that isolates with low sociometric status woul.d reveal more indications of anxiety tharl would leaders with the high sociometric status. A sociometric test consisting of following three criteria, 'grouping' , 'play' and 'study' was administered to 626 sixth graders out of 15 classes to select the following three groups of subjects : 'rejecte es', 'neglectees' and 'leaders'. The general anxiety test and the Rorschach test were then given to all the subjects. The findings are as follows : The results of the general anxiety test standardized by TAKEN revealed that both rejectees and neglectees were more anxious than leaders. There was a statistically significant difference in the tendency for loneliness between rejectees and leaders. Likewise, there were significant differences in the anxiety tendency for learning and in the total anxiety tendency between neglectees and leaders.
- 1965-09-10
論文 | ランダム
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