教師の対生徒認知と類型化 : 教師の『判断枠』に関する研究
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Recently, it has been pointed out that the studies about the process of schooling is very important. Especially since Pygmalion in the Classroom was published, it has been argued that teachers have much influences upon their students. However, in Japan there are few studies that refer to the relevance of teachers' perceptions to educational problems. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the formation of teachers' perceptions for the analysis of the Japanese educational problems. First of all, I reviewed some American and English studies which are concerned with teachers' perceptions and their formation. Then I examined the variables which seem to be useful when the educational problems are analyzed. I pointed out the significance of societal prejudice (social consciousness) that shapes the perceptions of students. Nevertheless we couldn't perfectly explain the formation of teachers' perceptions in Japan from the point of societal prejudice. Secondly, I investgated two educational trends that affected the teachers' perceptions: 1) the transformation of school function, 2) specializations of teacher's work. In conclusion, I can consider that teachers' perceptions based on their students' achievements are formed under these educational trends.
- 1985-09-30
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