熟達と評価的発達 : 音楽の領域での検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
One hundred and forty-seven college students and 50 sixth-grade children, each being classified into three groups according to piano-playing skill, rated goodness of five sets of four performances (original (O), monotonous (M), swapped (S), and artificial (A)). M was constructed by electronically equalizing the intensity of the sounds, S by swapping the intensity among a half of the sounds, and A by assigning the intensity to each sound according to three rules. Immediately after the initial rating, the college students were exposed to the same sets of performances and were asked to rate again and to choose from eight adjectives the one describing best each performance. Analyses of ratings and of adjective selection revealed that even the non-learners could differentially and appropriately evaluate three performances (O, M, and S); as to A, the better skilled, the more negative was the subjects' evaluation. Coherence of ratings across the five sets for best performance was greater among the better skilled and the older subjects. Stability of goodness ranking between the two ratings by the college students was higher among the experienced than the non-learners.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1996-06-30
- PG16 文章題の解決における現実的な思考 : 児童は現実を考慮して「頭の体操」課題を解くことができるか
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- PB08 音楽演奏領域における熟達と評価的発達(2)
- 発達6(235〜243)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 発達(256〜261)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 人格(325〜331)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
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- 発達13(293〜299)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 293 音楽のjunior expertの旋律記憶(発達13,研究発表)
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- PF08 幼児による音楽演奏の情動判断
- 発達の概念の変化と芸術教育への示唆
- 691 ExpertsとNovicesによる旋律の面白さの評定(教授・学習10 教授タイプ・空間認知・創造性・音楽,研究発表)
- 726 創作過程の状況論的分析(学習(6),口頭発表)
- 709 旋律記憶における被験者の年令と音楽経験の効果(記憶・課題操作,学習14)
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- 音楽の知覚と認知
- 熟達と評価的発達 : 音楽の領域での検討
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- 392 演奏表現の評価の適切さの発達 : 年令及び演奏技能の効果(認知スタイル(音楽・美術),発達33,口頭発表)
- 236 記譜された旋律の記憶における音表象形成の効果(音と文字の認知,発達)
- 328 青年の性役割認知(人格3-4,300 人格)
- 認知心理学から見た熟達化