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rights: 日本教育心理学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001892625/Two experiments were conducted to examine whether children would take into account the foreseeability of the outcomes an actor would accidentally produce in judging responsibility. The foreseeability was expected to differ according to situations connected with the event or according to the ability of the actor to foresee the effect of his conducts. Second, fourth and sixth grade children and undergraduates participated in the study. In Experiment 1, subjects were presented 10 stories in which an actor unintentionally caused a negative outcome. Subjects were asked to rate the degree of responsibility and foreseeability attributed to the actor. In Experiment 2, subjects were presented 5 pairs of stories. In each pair two actors of different age or different occupation were to cause the identical outcome. Subjects were asked to judge which person was more responsible and were asked to give reasons proving their judgements. Subjects of all age groups used the foreseeability of the situation in judgments. However, the 2nd graders and 4th graders would not infer the difference in actors'ability to foresee the outcomes when the difference was not explicit.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1988-03-30
- 幼児期の仲間同士の相互交渉と社会的能力の発達--3歳児におけるいざこざの発生と解決
- 発達10(267〜274)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 教授・学習11(672〜679)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 347 幼児の相互交渉における笑いの機能の発達(仲間関係,発達15,口頭発表)
- 239 4歳児における「けんか」の原因と終結(知的発達と相互作用,発達5)
- 332 3歳児における「けんか」の成立と発展(発達15,発達)
- 発達2
- 356 行為の善悪判断における「対人的手がかり」の使用(発達20,研究発表)
- 認知発達研究を中心に : 発達部門(乳・幼児期)
- 集団決定における決定状況と決め方の方略の選択
- 240 多数決と個人の問題の認識 : 集団決定の必要性と拘束力についての判断から(青少年・老年,発達5,発達)
- 責任判断における予見性の手がかり使用の発達
- 367 自転車のメカニズムの理解における相互交渉の効果(認知の発達・認知スタイル,発達17,口頭発表)
- 363 他者の好みの推論における社会的カテゴリーの使用(発達18,発達)
- 216 多数決の理解を通してみた児童の社会的認知(発達2 道徳性・向社会性の発達,研究発表)
- 社会的選好順序の選択に関する方略の発達
- 678 集団における決定の方法(教師と児童・生徒,教授・学習)
- コミュニケ-ション行動における編集の発達
- 273 多数決の適用についての小学生の理解(発達9,口頭発表)
- コミュニケ-ション行動における編集の発達