幼児の共同遊びの構造 : 積み木遊びの場合
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In the present study we examined how 3 to 5 year-old children collaborate in a block play. We observed and videotaped 18 same-age and same-sex pairs' play sessions: each session lasted 20 minutes. The collaboration in those play sessions was analyzed from the viewpoints of themes and episodes. An episode was defined as children's individual act when building something with blocks, exploring surrounding buildings, telling a story, and making believes. A theme was defined as the framework showing what children construct or what play they do as a whole. 18 cases were classified, according to existence and kind of each pair's theme, into the following four types: "no-common-theme", "similar-theme", "common-theme through blocks"(where an operation with blocks was effective in arranging the common theme), and "common-theme through ideas"(where an idea preceded operations with blocks in arranging the common theme). There were more tried common themes in older children than younger. Episodes were classified according to not only the commonness of pair's episodes but also each other's way of the comprehension of episodes. Age trend in the episode level was unclear. When patterns of collaboration were classified according to the states of collaboration during the entire 20 minute-session, several patterns were found in children of the same age. The states of collaboration were closely related to the theme types. Each theme type included different contents of episodes and different arranging and comprehending processes of episodes. That is, in no-commontheme group, almost all episodes were constructions and the rate of uncomprehended episodes was high. In similar-theme group, the rate of the common episodes was as low as that of the no-common-theme group but the rate of requesting of each other's comprehension showed an increase. In this type, operations with blocks were particularly effective in arranging the common episodes. In common-theme through block group, the rate of the common episodes was so high that common plus comprehended episodes occupied more than 2/3 of the whole episodes. Operations with blocks mainly enabled the arrangement of the common episodes. Children often appealed to each other explicitely when requesting to comprehend episodes. In common-theme through ideas group, the rate of the common episodes together with the rate of requested but uncomprehended episodes were high (the highest of all 4 theme types). The common episodes were mainly arranged through the exchange of utterrances. Finally, our results were compared with those of Parten et al.(1943), Smith(1978), etc. Parten's linear model as states of collaboration in children's play correlating with their age was found not to be proper in this study. Even 3-year olds who shared the common themes, were able to develop the common episodes frequently, while 5-year olds who did not share the common themes comprehended few episodes. From the results of this study parallel play was considered to comprise a phase of the flow in the group play rather than a lack of immaturity.
- 1985-03-30
- 教授・学習2(609〜617)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 発達22(361〜370)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 乳幼児保育の場における発達援助の専門性
- 発達を問い直す
- 子どもどうしの相互作用と遊びの発達II(034〜038)(特定テーマ)
- ピアジェ理論の将来
- 「日本の教育心理学を考える」
- 発達 330 こどもの遊びにおける玩具の役割 : 過去20年の玩具研究のテーマにみる役割の変遷と遊びに果たす役割
- 発達7(246〜252)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 発達6(254〜265)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 発達15(308〜315)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 244 協同による問題解決 : その発達(発達6,研究発表)
- 367 幼児初期の子ども同士のいざこざの発生と解消(幼児の遊びと発達,発達)
- 315 幼児初期の遊びにおける会話の構造(その2) : 2才児TV番組研究(K)(発達15,発達)
- 314 幼児初期の遊びにおける会話の構造(その1) : 2才児TV番組研究(J)(発達15,発達)
- 322 幼児初期の相互交渉の成立過程(IV) : 相互交渉の成立に影響する諸要因(2才児テレビ番組研究報告D)(発達12,発達)
- 256 子ども同志の会話の最初期の成立におけるルーチン的構造の役割 : 2才児テレビ番組研究E(発達6,発達)
- 総合教育における心理職のコンサルテーション(総合教育における心理職のコンサルテーション)
- PG77 発達臨床的なコンサルテーションの有効性
- PA91 統合保育における研修的コンサルテーション (2) : 実践交流を行う意義と発達相談員の役割
- PA90 統合保育における研修的コンサルテーション (1) : 実践報告を学ぶ意義と発達相談員の役割
- 教育心理学の社会史 : 戦中・戦後から現在を考える(自主シンポジウムII)
- 035 幼児の対話成立に関する発話行動の種類について(子どもどうしの相互作用と遊びの発達II,特定テーマ)
- 324 幼児の発話における「対話」の成立過程(発達12,発達)
- 260 幼児の会話における発話行動の種類と発話長の分析(発達6,発達)
- テレビニュースの談話分析 : ニュースのおもしろさと人格化について
- 子育て支援現場からの緊急提言 : 子どもの発達を支える保育内容の充実を考える(その 2)
- 7. 幼児教育と発達研究(自主シンポジウム)
- ピアジェ理論の将来(シンポジウムIV,シンポジウム)
- 発達6(238〜245)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 発達研究と現代社会II : 子育てと育児書をめぐって
- 6. 発達研究と現代社会(II) : 子育てと育児書をめぐって(自主シンポジウム)
- 312 拒否表現における文脈的情報の利用(発達13,発達)
- 間接的要求の理解における文脈の効果
- 246 間接的要求の理解における文脈の効果(発達7,研究発表)
- 間接的要求の理解に関わる要因
- 幼児の共同遊びの構造 : 積み木遊びの場合
- 368 幼児の積み木あそびにおける共同の構造(幼児の遊びと発達,発達)
- PF104 幼児の共同遊び場面における会話 : 会話の管理(conversational management)の視点から : (2)発達的検討
- PF103 幼児の共同遊び場面における会話 : 会話の管理(conversational management)の視点から : (1)分析の枠組み
- 気持ちの理解における類似経験の想起の効果 : 共感的理解の発展的検討
- テーマ設定の理由(幼児教育と発達研究)
- 指定討論の概略(「メディア教育の現状と課題」)
- 幼児の日常生活叙述の発達過程(教育心理学関係 : 博士論文要旨)
- P2062 幼稚園の園生活理解 : 曜日の理解について
- 発達 331 幼児の園生活の理解 : 園生活スクリプトの構造
- 4A-6 幼児の社会的ルールの理解(2)(発達4A)
- 339 幼児の社会的ルールの理解(子ども間のかかわり,発達15,発達)
- 197 生活発表における保育者の援助の検討
- 教室におけるコミュニケーション
- 幼児における生活時間の構造
- 616 幼児教育場面における保育者の援助 : 異年令児混合の製作場面の検討(教授・学習2,研究発表)