- 論文の詳細を見る
As a preparation for making a more effective program for teaching Japanese syllabic characters to children, the auther did two preparatory experiments concerning the problem of interaction between the formation of the act of analyzing the phonemic structure of words and the learning of Japanese syllabic characters. In the first experiment, the act of children analyzing phonemic structure of words, especially to separate a word into syllables was investigated with sixty children from three to five years old. In the experiment, the children were first fiven a brief training with ten words, for example, /kuma/ ( a bear), /himawari/ (a sun-flower). /ohinasama/ (a doll), which are constructed of only Japanese fundamental syllables (V and C+V). And then their activities were tested and examined with thirty-six test words which included some words containing special kinds of Japanese syllables (long syllables, contracted ones, contracted long ones, assimilated ones and the syllabic nasal), for example, /zoo/ (an elephant), /kiNgjo/ (a golden fish), gjuunjun/ (milk) /rokeQto/ (a rocket), kabaN (a bag). In the second experiment. two kinds of tasks were given to another seventy-six pre-school children from four to six years of age. One was to discover the Japanese phoneme /ko/ in a word syllabifying it, and the other was to identify the first, the middle, and the last phoneme of a word. And the degree or level of each child's performance was examined in the relation to the degree of his acquisition of knowledge of japanese syllabic characters. In both experiments, special instruments were used. They were designed on the same principle as training pictures which D, B, El' konin and his collaborators used in their studies. The instrument used in the first experiment was constructed with a lampboard containing sixteen small white lamps in two parallel rows of eight lamps each (the upper row for model given by experimenter, the lower row for child's use) and two switch boxes (one for the child, the other for the experimenter). The switch box used by the child contained eight key-like switches in a row like those of a piano. In training the child, the experimenter first showed a picture expressing the meaning of a given word and prnounced the word slowly, pausing between syllables and turning on one lamp for each syllable he pronounced. The lamps were lit in the upper row beginning at the left-hand side of the row. And then the child was required to imitate the experimenter's act, to syllabify the word aloud switching on the same number of lamps in the lower row as the experimenter had turned on in the upper row. When the child failed to do this, the procedure was repeated again up to five times. When testing the child, the experimenter only showed a picture card, said the word it represented, and required the child to do the same as he had done during the training process. In the second experiment, the experimenter used a picture with a horizontal row of squares below it. There were as many squares as syllables in the word represented by the picture. After tarining with five words, the child was required to syllabify a word aloud putting small wooden blocks in the squares corresponding to articulated syllables, and then if his act was right, he was asked whether /ko/ was in the word, and which block corresponded to /ko/. After this task with fifteen words, he was further asked to identify the first, the middle, the last phonemes of another six words. The main findings and suggestions which were gained in these experiments are as follows : 1) All the children over four and a half years of age were found to be able to syllabify almost perfectly words containing only fundamental syllables with the help of an instrument at the material level. It means that children of this age can accept more systimatic training in the analysis of the phonemic structure of words. And considering that the training in this study was very brief, it seems likely th
- 1970-06-30
- 教授・学習13(689〜697)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 臨床・障害3
- 3 学習心理 : a 概念形成(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 教授・学習5
- 300 発達(316〜322) (日本教育心理学会第13回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 認知科学と教授科学 : 認知科学の可能性と限界(自主シンポジウム 11)
- 1 発達 : b 幼児II(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 教育心理学における専門家養成の問題(研究委員会企画シンポジウム)
- 言語の発達と教育(研究委員会企画特別研究報告,研究委員会企画)
- 5-7 教科・指導(日本教育心理学会第7回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 音韻分析と子どものliteracyの習得
- 642 小学校児童の接続詞の意味の自覚の発達(教授・学習5 語音・語義・文字,研究発表)
- 250 小学校児童の文の統辞・意味論的構造の自覚の発達(発達7,研究発表)
- ダウン症児の言語獲得と言語調整機能の発達
- 言語における発達障害--特に言語発達遅滞を中心に (発達障害)
- 696 低学年児童における文の統辞・意味論的構造の分析行為の形成(言語教育,教授・学習)
- 教育と発達の相互作用 : 子どもの心理発達に対する形成教育アプローチ(発達理論の到達点と課題)
- 中度発達遅滞児に対する言語教育プログラム : 特に動詞述語構文の形成教育を中心に(研究委員会企画特別研究報告:言語の発達と教育)
- 067 言語発達遅滞児の構音と文法の発達(言語発達遅滞,特定テーマ)
- B-2 乳幼児期の言語発達と教育環境
- 926 発達遅滞児に対する言語教育プログラム : 年少発達遅滞児の場合(臨床・障害3,研究発表)
- 925 発達遅滞児に対する言語教育プログラム : 動詞述語構文の形成教育(臨床・障害3,研究発表)
- 860 年少発達遅滞児の統語機能の形成プログラム(臨床・障害8,研究発表)
- 664 語の音節構造の分析行為の形成とかな文字の教授・学習 : 特に就学前児を対象とした長音の自覚の形成とその読み・表記の学習(教授学習9,研究発表)
- 語の音韻構造の分析行為の形成とかな文字の読みの学習
- 322 文モデルによる幼児の文の作成(発達)
- ソ連系統の思考心理学の立場より(思考心理学と教授=学習課程)
- 119 就学前児童の語音の分析能力(幼児II,1.発達)
- 307 労働概念の発達(IV) : 中学生の経済問題についての課題解決(a.概念形成,3.学習心理)
- 労働概念の発達と教授(概念形成と学習指導)
- 572 労働概念の発達(III)